Thursday, November 15, 2007

weekend!!! and Phil Wickham

I'm finally going to have a weekend with nothing to do!! That's really exciting for me because the past several weekends have been packed with activites (most of which required me to wake up at unheard of early hours! 5am last Saturday). I most certainly need to take the time to clean and get organized. Between work and busy weekends my area of the house has become quite the sight...or rather unsight! (??) Other than that I plan on sleeping late and possibly watching some good movies. It wouldn't hurt to go shopping a little either!

I've discovered another new musical love this week. As mentioned earlier I've become quite the Mainstay, Story Side:B and The Rocket Summer fan. This week I've discovered the lovely voice and music of Phil Wickham. I'm a little upset because he was in Columbia last night with David Crowder*Band and I wasn't able to go. I've heard several of his songs and nothing has disappointed me, so I'll be glad to buy his album when I get the chance and maybe he'll come around this way again sometime soon.

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