Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Thank you...

...for making me feel special.

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


No matter how much I hear and read about this issue I still can't get over the fact that it actually exists. It's such a putrid evil that literally makes my stomach sick.

Little girls in desolate situations are kidnapped almost daily and sold as prostitutes in the foreign sex trade business. These girls aren't given a choice, they aren't given a voice and they aren't given a childhood. They live in rooms that almost aren't even suitable for a dog and are violated sometimes multiple times a day.

The result of the fall can be so ugly but God loves these girls and even the ones that do this to them. I read a story recently about a brothel that is now being turned into a Christian community center in Cambodia. A firm example that God will have the victory and He turns things that were intended for evil into things that will bring Him glory.

I don't know fully know how God can use me in this situation but I know He's called me to love and to reach out to the poor and needy (1 Corinthians 13:13, Proverbs 31:20), the rest will fall in place.

For more information http://www.love146.org/

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

It doesn't really have a title

It takes some time to realize what God is doing sometimes.

He's surrounding me. He's holding me. He's protecting me. He's providing for me. He being God. He's loving me. He's forgiving me.

I wonder why I don't feel need or despair - because He's there. He's all around me and I can feel Him.

Feel Him working. Feel His just being. Feel His beauty. Feel His grace. Feel His mercy. Feel His forgiveness.

When He said I shall not want - that's why. This is why. This very moment is why. Because He is all I need. He is all there is. He is all there will ever be. Everything additional that I might have is a result of His goodness and kindness.

Apart from Him I have nothing but with Him I have everything I need.

I'm still working to get my heart and mind around that.

Friday, February 1, 2008


How fitting that just days ago this same subject came up in a conversation and tonight I read about the very same thing in a passage in 2 Samuel 6:12-23.

I knew that David danced on several occasions, I'm sure even more than were recorded. David was a passionate man that had no problem showing his excitement and affection for God in front of people. In 2 Samuel 6:12-23, David dances for the LORD after the Ark of the Covenant is brought to the city of David. He is criticized by a woman, Michal, who said he made a fool of himself. David then tells her that he dance for the LORD and therefore is not considered a fool in His eyes. In fact, to the very people she said he was made a fool in front of, he will be honored. All that mattered to Him was showing His excitement and affection to God.

God wants us to get excited for Him. He wants us to show our affection for Him in public. He doesn't want it to be a completely private relationship. People will think we're over doing it or shouldn't be doing it at all, but to God we are doing the very thing that pleases Him.

David was a man after God's own heart and he danced for God and God was pleased.