Tuesday, November 6, 2007

A quiet soul...

“For thus the LORD GOD, the Holy One of Israel, has said, ‘In repentance and rest you will be saved, In quietness and trust is your strength…” Isaiah 30:15

A quiet soul: that’s what I’m longing for, that’s what I need from God. I need His assurance and strength to quiet my soul and rid me of anxieties about things that are out of my control to begin with. I need Him to constantly remind me of His sovereignty and perfect timing.

I wrote about this last night, but it’s worth writing again and exploring further. There are things in my future that I look forward to with excitement and open arms. But as I was reading a bit in Don’t Waste Your Life today a new thought hit me. The chapter I am on discusses money and possessions and it crossed my mind that I may have no future. As cliché as it is, today is all I have. So even though I have all of these desires and wonders about life down the road, I really have no idea that life down the road is going to occur at all.

So what am I doing now that is glorifying Him? I am constantly asking myself this. Am I too busy daydreaming about the future that could just be in my imagination or am I doing all I can to make Him known right now, in the time I’m assured because it is happening?

“…In quietness and trust is your strength…” That doesn’t say “in telling me what you want to happen is your strength,” or “in throwing tantrums because things aren’t going the way you dreamed them up to go is your strength.” God says “in quietness and trust” we find ourselves strong enough to live in the moment, strong enough to adapt when plans change and unexpected events occur.

A quiet soul…completely trusting my God for who He’s said He is and who He’s shown Himself to be…

…how beautifully pure.

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