Wednesday, January 16, 2008

"Cause you had a bad day..."

It's only 9:40 AM but it's already been one of those days. A day where NOTHING goes the way you want it to and you just want to blame everyone and everything else for your problems. I think it actually started last night and just hasn't ended yet.

I'm not usually a person of bad temper or anger, but frustration with multiple things has built up and is now showing itself. It's ugly. These are the times that I have to remind myself that God is bigger than anything that frustrates me and it all pales in comparison to what I have in Him.

Yea, easy to say but in the heat of the moment not so easy to put into practice.

Sinful nature is sneaky. I'm on a mountaintop on minute and the next I'm down in a pit with the dogs, acting just like them. Funny how that happens. Funny how it shows me over and over just how much I have to depend on Him and I can't be good on my own accord. I can't go through the day without His help to push past frustration and honor Him with my words and actions.

On days like this I'm even more thankful for the forgiveness offered through Christ for my selfishness, bad attitude and every other sin I commit.

I think my day is getting better already...

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