Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Some excitement!

So there are some things in the coming days that have got me really excited...and some things have happened in the past couple of days that have me equally as excited! I'll backtrack first:

1. This weekend was absolutely amazing! God went extremely Ephesians 3:20 on me with FCA Middle School Retreat! My group of girls taught me so much and God worked in the lives of middle schoolers from all over the state. There's nothing like working together to bring the Gospel, and then see kids respond to it!

2. I still don't think I'm over how great the Hanson concert was in October!!

3. MuteMath rocked my face off as well...

Now to the future (Lord willing):

1. This weekend is going to be pretty fun!
- Sister Hazel concert Friday night with old friends that I haven't seen since graduation
- Clemson game Saturday! (Go Tigers!)
- Illusionists Jared Hall at FUEL on Sunday night. I've never really seen an illusionists in person, I'm interested to see what he does. Oh yea, and he's presenting can you not get excited about that?

2. um...well I think that's it.

3. Oh, I'm still deciding whether or not I should forfeit sleep and go to the Family Force 5 concert next Tuesday in Charlotte.

Oh and I've discovered some new music! Mainstay, Story Side:B and The Rocket Summer are three of my new favorites right now. Thank you AIR1!! (which is now my new favorite radio station!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

megan its hannah it was a col weekend and i learned a lot to