Monday, November 12, 2007

Just Some Thoughts

Meaningless. Dead End. Unsatisfying. That pretty much describes what this world has to offer. When you break it down, what real, genuine satisfaction does television bring other than keeping us from boredom? What eternal impact does the latest movie or album have on us? What are we really filling our minds with? Do we want to dress a certain revealing way to attract someone that we don’t need to be messing with in the first place? Should we be so worried about what others think when they won’t even be at the gates of Heaven determining our eternal fate? So why then do we get so caught up in all of this?

Teenagers are not the only group of people that go through this kind of stuff. I’ve learned recently that adults deal with it as well, sometimes to an even greater extent. What are we doing in our lives that is bringing glory to Christ and pointing others to Him? The things that we enjoy are not necessarily bad things. It is not a sin to have enjoyments in this life. But are we using the things we enjoy to serve God and further His kingdom or are we doing them for the sake of our own pleasure?

This is a pretty tough bite to swallow – especially in my own life. I have plenty of things that I enjoy doing, but when I take a look at them I wonder where my service is – where is God being glorified? How can God be glorified more here? What do I need to be doing differently?

If you haven't read Don't Waste Your Life by John Piper I highly recommend it. He hits hard on issues just like this and gives strong scriptural answers for everything. Just a warning, though you need a bit of patience and willingness to read sentences a couple times over.

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