To support our team that is going on this trip to St. Thomas we ask that you follow this link and purchase products!
If you don't drink coffee but you would like to support myself or our group as a whole you can send a check to:
Cornerstone Baptist Church
St. Thomas Missions
2930 Master's Way
Darlington, SC 29532
In the note of the check put "St. Thomas Missions" and my name (Megan Turbeville) if you would like to support me specifically. If you would like your support to go to the whole group simply put "St. Thomas Missions" in the note of the check.Any amount will help and will be greatly appreciated!
While St. Thomas is a beautiful island in the US Virgin Islands it is also a place with great spiritual need. We will be partnering with church plants on the island to assist them in various projects and spread the gospel of Christ.
Prayer support is also very important so whether you're able to give or not we would appreciate your prayers - not only for the week that we are there but also that God would work before and after leave!
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